Tuesday, August 15, 2017


1.      Introduction
According to (Marionani, 2013) in the literature, the book mentioned, ' Modern ' wound care puts more emphasis on the operation than wound healing. The limitation in the care of the wound is the assumption that modern wound care materials are not suitable for Indonesian society. It is, therefore, important for practitioners to understand the injury of the monitors to take care of wounds with traditional methods and to know the advantages or disadvantages of taking care of wounds using modern methods of dressing.

2.      Care for traditional wounds
Traditional/traditional wound care is the method of wound care is used to bandage the liquid insulation wound and less than the same for all types of wounds.

The advantages and disadvantages of ' traditional ' care injury are described below;

A. General principles for the care of traditional wounds :
(1)     In traditional wound care, wound care is often used as a disinfectant for wounds, with the aim of keeping the wound to be sterile.
(2)     Even in each vehicle the wound care/the usual first aid kits are provided disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide, iodine boldenone, Rivanol, acetic acid, and chlorine.

The current conditions for the use of disinfectant on wounds :

Please note that antiseptic-disinfectant like this can interfere with our own body healing process.

The main emerging problem is purgatory that not only kills germs but also kills white pellets, which are the cells blood that can kill bacteria and fibroids that have shaped the new skin tissue.

In the way of conventional wound care, some things that often occur among other things :
A.   Care for the wound frequently takes place
B.   3 times a day, even more)
C.   Patient felt much pain.
D.   Long-wound repair

Dr. Emotions in patients because of the smell
About the use of bandage, in the care of conventional wounds, there are some opinions, among others:
A.   People think that leaving the wound clean and dry conditions will speed up the healing process
B.   Therefore, in taking care of traditional wounds or people who do it historically, usually wound bandages using cloth bandage/thin wrap, let the air to enter and let the promotional Luca form ' Scabies/melt/Coring '.
C.   With the Wound that shaped the promotion ' Korong ' considered that the wound had healed.

The knowledge first stated that ' scabies/doth/Coring ' or ' dry wound ' constituted a natural barrier to loss of moisture.
1.    Wound/Dauth ' or ' dry wounds ' also prevents new cells from being in the area of the wound.
2.    When the "Fool/Bang" begins to change the shape of the skin cells, it must go to the deepest layers before spreading, as the moist cells in the area can live.
3.    It can be known from the process that in the dry environment, the wounds will be returned from the inside out.

Some facts on these issues, among others :
The truth is, in fact, the wound shaped by Korong was promoted, but it is usually only dry on the outside, while the inside is still a wet wound, and even can stretch to the wound.

In addition to the evolution of science, current knowledge has shown that the wound in dry conditions can slow down the healing process and may cause scarring.
If we can improve the moist environment in the wound, the healing process will take place from the edge of the area and from within/around simultaneously.
Advantages of ' traditional care wound with traditional wrap:
1)    can easily: pharmacies, drug stores, etc.
2)    Cheap

C. The Absence of conventional "traditional wound care":
1.    The Palauania is often replaced
2.    Fast Dry Wrap
3.    Less absorb the exudate, because the absorption of at least
4.    Exposed to the risk of new injury at the time of replacement of the bandage that could damage the cells. (In this case, you can make the trauma to the wound)
5.    Cause pain when dressing bandage (in this case, a strong bandage attached to the wound)
6.    Does not support wet processes
7.    Obstruction of the healing process because it often replaces
8.    The risk of infection occurs too big (can't prevent germs)

Modern Wound Care
Wound care with a modern method is a way to heal wounds by wounding the wound from the wet wounds (healing the wound) using the Usoluscan method and shutting down.

The advantages and disadvantages of ' modern ' care wound are described below:

A. General principles for the care of modern wounds:
1. To minimize the use of antibiotics/antiseptic, then to clean up modern wound care wounds, and the best possible way in member wing is:
A. Using physiological fluids such as normal saline solution (0.9% chloride)

B. To wound that


1.    Wounds heal according to the specific stages at which the interference can be (overlapping)
2.    The healing process depends on the type of tissue damaged and the cause of the wound.
Healing stages of the wound :
a)    Inflammatory stage
1)    Today 0-5
2)    Immediate response after blood damage to prevent blood loss
3)    Tumor characteristics, rubber color, permanence, functional
4)    hemoglobin occurs early (phase)
5)    The final stage of the Balocytosis
6)    The length of this stage can be short if the infection does not occur
(b) The deployment or the epitaph phase
1.    Today 3 – 14
2.    Also known as the second stage of grants which make up granular tissue on wound wounds looks fresh, the red Mingikatia
3.    consists of a mixture of granular tissue: fibroids, inflammatory cells, blood vessels, phenoprotein acid and hyloric acid
4.    al-marthyism occurs in the first 24 hours featuring the thickness of the skin layer on the edge scars.
5.    The epitaph occurs in 48 hours, first I have to cut the wound.
(c) Maturity or re-introduction phase
1.    lasts from a few weeks of the second year
2.    new collagen formation) that changes the shape of the wound as well as the increase in the power of the network (tensile strength)
3.    tissue scar (tissue scar) formed 50-80% of the force on par with the Cybelamniya network
4.    There is a gradual decrease in cellular activity and a better experience of the vascular system

Factors influencing the healing process
A.      The state of Immunology
B.      Blood sugar levels (weak white cell function)
C.      Wetting (slows down metabolism)
D.      Nutrition Tisi
E.      Levels of Blood albums ("Building Blocks" for pictorial pressure, repair and hydrocephalus)
F.      Oxygen and vascular Supplies
G.      Pain (Causes of contraction)
H.      Like corticosteroids (inhibitory immune function)

How to care for wounds with modern bandages
The development of wound Care (wound care) has developed very quickly in the world of health. The method of wound care is currently increasing the care of the wound using the principles of moisture balance, which is mentioned in some literature is more effective for healing when compared with traditional methods.
Care wound using moisture balance principles it is known that modern methods of dressing and dressing tool wear more modern wraps. These methods are not yet familiar to nurses in Indonesia
Usually, not much is done to take care of the wound. Moreover, if only minor injuries. The first step taken is to clean it then immediately due to drugs or drug known as red. While heavy on the wounds, at least I took off clean first, after the drugs were given. Often people do not heed the wound bandages should or not.
At the same time, according to Annik Anikmawati, the deviation from Mohammedatata Surakarta, a long-time juglomar for the detection of care wounds vary according to the severity of the injuries. "Care for the most difficult wounds depends on the degree of injuries. If the wound is deep up to the deepest skin layer, the healing process is also the longest of course.
As in the case of diabetes-related injuries, for example, Annick said the wound must be amputated. However, it has been found that amputation has been thwarted after careful treatment of the correct methods confirmed by the nurses. "Healing wounds at a level as in the case of diabetes depends on maintaining discipline. To be introduced into the community that there is a home care program or a home nursing with a nurse come to the house, "said Annick.
But now, the development of wound care with or referred to it grows very quickly in the world of health. The method of wound care is currently to increase the care of the wound using the principles of moisture balance, where it is mentioned in literature is more effective for healing wounds when compared to traditional methods.
Care wound using moisture balance principles it is known that modern methods of dressing and dressing tool wear more modern wraps. These methods are not already familiar to nurses in Indonesia. On the other hand, modern trauma-care techniques have been developed in Indonesia, especially large hospitals in large cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Surabaya. While in the hospital-local level hospitals, using modern clothes to care for wounds that are still not well developed. Therefore, not long ago, the Mohammedia Group for Foreign Affairs held a workshop entitled "Half-day workshop" on the management of wounds in the Mohammedah Surakarta balcony. As a speaker, the present is Larry S. RN (ET) World Society for Women's Services, director of the Clinic of the World Federation of Women's federations.

During this time, many presumably the wound would be the Canadian People's army


The care wound is currently entering a new era where the way is being changed in the wound care, the current trend is to treat the wound with a damp, where the research-based techniques that have been done by 3 people researchers in the world since the year 1940-1970 I got the conclusion that engineering techniques with the care of wet wounds and many 1. The rate of the epitaph on the wound that was closed by the second set of injuries speeds 2 times faster than the wounds recovered from the left to the dry 2. Mirotan and wet wound do not increase the infection (only 2.5%) Deanandong with dry experimental care (9%). Starting from penelitian2 that up to now you have put a wound bandage that is able to keep the scars of Kelembe or referred to it as a wound bandage. Wrap the wound bandage that is processed in such a way that helps to keep the wound moist and expected when injured in the wet healing process then it will work better.

The end of the modern world has been known since the early 1990s but has flourished in Indonesia in recent years. In the world, there are already nearly 300,000 more modern types of bandages and ever increasing after the development of technology in the care of wounds.
At this time, trauma care has developed rapidly, particularly in the past two decades. Technology in the field of health also contributes significantly to support the exercise of wound care. In addition, current issues related to the management of trauma care are related to the changing profile of patients, where there are patients with metabolic, more and more diseases. Usually, this condition is often accompanied by a Bulosan wound where proper care is required so that the healing process can be achieved with optimum.

Next, the nurses have the knowledge and skills associated with the wound care process in ade Koffi starting with the evaluation. Comprehensive planning, intervention implementation procedures and evaluation findings found during maintenance and documentation of methodological results. Other issues that nurses must understand are related to cost-effectiveness. Very modern management of wound care focus on such issues. It is supported by the latest innovations in the development of products that can be used to treat wounds. In this case, the nurse must understand these products as part of the decision-making process according to the needs of the patient. In essence, the choice of the appropriate product should be based on consideration of costs (cost), rest (convenience) and security (safety). In general, the increasing care of the wound at this time focuses on interventions that have different dimensions, that is, the physical, psychological, economic and social aspects.

The following will enter several types of modern wound wrap :
1. Hydrocolloid
Contains Hydroacagev molecules that are associated with the hydro phosphate polymer. The excess fluids on the wound will be distorted and wrapped up into a gel and it works to keep the moisture wrap, and the ability to absorb the fluid, and suitable for lowering the minimum stage in the epitaph (basic pink Scars), can also be used to prevent reverence. Product Example: a sense of transparency
2. Janati
The bandage of the wounds made of seaweed has the ability to absorb the fluids of the minimum average reductions, as it has the ability to stop the minimum bleeding, suitable for the injury phase. Products Example: Lumbar time, curtains
3. hydrogel
Wrap made from the glycerine and has the ability to soften dead tissue scar, suitable for wounds with basic black/yellow colors
4. Anti-Bacterial Wrap
Wrap his anti-bacterial properties, so he is able to kill/remove kuman2 in the wound, it's kind of like having a nice lineup of jaring2 it has powerful hydraulic properties so that it attracts germs and pillow wound, for example, Sorbach, and there is a nice example: the dust on the shape of the poem, and the tenderness formed by the special Papers group of the mixed drafting team with the sea crust, for example etc.
5. Foam
This wrap of polyurethane Polyammenbonie books has been very large in absorbing fluid cuts, suitable for the wound to be sacrificed so much.
6. Silver dressing

Wrapping contains silver, and able to destroy a colony of germs well. Suitable for injury. For example Christian dress


In humans, children, teenagers to the elderly, the wound is common. But if the wound is left or not properly treated it will have disastrous consequences so it can rot to amputate. Although at first, only some minor scratches on someone's body doesn't mean it's not dangerous if it's clean and healing it can be fatal. So clear to clean up completely in case of wounds on your body before giving it medication. As in the case of diabetes patients usually occur in the area around the foot, and if not treated immediately, the only way is to amputate the part that rots so it does not spread to other parts of the body.

Different types of wounds and causes of infection
Wounds in diabetes
85% of patients with diabetes will suffer wounds on foot and beyond to amputate the only way. In the first diabetic patients will experience such as tingling, then numbness in certain parts, which will be followed by a color change that has become blackness before that injury come. The small cuts were originally, but only could be a big step gradually and if left it would be very dangerous. High blood sugar levels will make bacteria breed easily and lead to an increasingly bloated and rotten cut. At that time I got the worst wound and failed to solve and there was a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the legs, then the nerve tissue would crumble and die. This is why most of the patients who were injured had to be relieved so that they would not spread to other parts of the body. Things like this can still be overcome with modern wound therapy techniques.

Burns can be caused by several things such as heat, electric shock, sunlight, chemical reactions, as well as radiation. But with a simple sentence, burning is a damage to the skin that often occurs because of heat. Burns usually cause symptoms such as redness, peeling of skin, wounds, scorched skin blisters, or swelling.
Two examples of this type of cuts above can become acute due to infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites if not treated properly. And how does the infection happen to every wound? Here's a brief explanation of the incidence of infection in the wounds.

The process of infection in wounds
Infection of the wound caused by the invasion of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or parasites. Infection can occur in open cuts or wounds covered, but in an open wound will be more susceptible to this infected infection because the infection in the wounds is usually caused by low hygiene when going to the time of the wound care is done.
The invasion begins when the network is open and straightforward with pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms that have the nature of the damage. The connection can occur because of the following two things, first, for example when a fall in the total place there are so many bacteria that go to the wound and the second probability at that time the wound is in the process of treatment. Microorganisms can themselves live on a wound that is not properly cared for.
Modern wound care Techniques
When it was present in the modern method of wound therapy that can be used in the healing process of diabetic wounds and burns and scars that are not good for each other. Using these techniques, the already severe wounds, even if they have started to rot, can be overcome only slightly so that they may eventually recover without the need to do the amputation.
In modern wound care techniques, nurses are required to have access to knowledge and skill in terms of wound care, such as comprehensive assessment, planning, and measures to implement interference, cuts, and evaluation results found during the treatment process and the nurse are also responsible for state supervision and dressing techniques from acute wounds. The intervention treatment is the starting point towards healing the wounds and should be responsible for the quality of client nurses with injuries.
There are fundamental differences between the care of the traditional wound and the modern care of the chicken. In the techniques of wound care does not traditionally know gauze care for usually moist wounds, sticky on cuts because of the cuts in dry conditions. In the traditional way, the slow level of network growth causes the risk of infection is higher. The wound bandage in the traditional way is also the use of gauze only.

As for modern technologies, the care wound area is damp so it does not dry out resulting in the absence of sticky gauze on the wound. With a moisture, it can lead to faster network growth and the Tenka

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