Tuesday, August 15, 2017


In humans, children, teenagers to the elderly, the wound is common. But if the wound is left or not properly treated it will have disastrous consequences so it can rot to amputate. Although at first, only some minor scratches on someone's body doesn't mean it's not dangerous if it's clean and healing it can be fatal. So clear to clean up completely in case of wounds on your body before giving it medication. As in the case of diabetes patients usually occur in the area around the foot, and if not treated immediately, the only way is to amputate the part that rots so it does not spread to other parts of the body.

Different types of wounds and causes of infection
Wounds in diabetes
85% of patients with diabetes will suffer wounds on foot and beyond to amputate the only way. In the first diabetic patients will experience such as tingling, then numbness in certain parts, which will be followed by a color change that has become blackness before that injury come. The small cuts were originally, but only could be a big step gradually and if left it would be very dangerous. High blood sugar levels will make bacteria breed easily and lead to an increasingly bloated and rotten cut. At that time I got the worst wound and failed to solve and there was a lack of blood flow and oxygen to the legs, then the nerve tissue would crumble and die. This is why most of the patients who were injured had to be relieved so that they would not spread to other parts of the body. Things like this can still be overcome with modern wound therapy techniques.

Burns can be caused by several things such as heat, electric shock, sunlight, chemical reactions, as well as radiation. But with a simple sentence, burning is a damage to the skin that often occurs because of heat. Burns usually cause symptoms such as redness, peeling of skin, wounds, scorched skin blisters, or swelling.
Two examples of this type of cuts above can become acute due to infection caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites if not treated properly. And how does the infection happen to every wound? Here's a brief explanation of the incidence of infection in the wounds.

The process of infection in wounds
Infection of the wound caused by the invasion of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses or parasites. Infection can occur in open cuts or wounds covered, but in an open wound will be more susceptible to this infected infection because the infection in the wounds is usually caused by low hygiene when going to the time of the wound care is done.
The invasion begins when the network is open and straightforward with pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms that have the nature of the damage. The connection can occur because of the following two things, first, for example when a fall in the total place there are so many bacteria that go to the wound and the second probability at that time the wound is in the process of treatment. Microorganisms can themselves live on a wound that is not properly cared for.
Modern wound care Techniques
When it was present in the modern method of wound therapy that can be used in the healing process of diabetic wounds and burns and scars that are not good for each other. Using these techniques, the already severe wounds, even if they have started to rot, can be overcome only slightly so that they may eventually recover without the need to do the amputation.
In modern wound care techniques, nurses are required to have access to knowledge and skill in terms of wound care, such as comprehensive assessment, planning, and measures to implement interference, cuts, and evaluation results found during the treatment process and the nurse are also responsible for state supervision and dressing techniques from acute wounds. The intervention treatment is the starting point towards healing the wounds and should be responsible for the quality of client nurses with injuries.
There are fundamental differences between the care of the traditional wound and the modern care of the chicken. In the techniques of wound care does not traditionally know gauze care for usually moist wounds, sticky on cuts because of the cuts in dry conditions. In the traditional way, the slow level of network growth causes the risk of infection is higher. The wound bandage in the traditional way is also the use of gauze only.

As for modern technologies, the care wound area is damp so it does not dry out resulting in the absence of sticky gauze on the wound. With a moisture, it can lead to faster network growth and the Tenka

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